

Remeber back in elemetary school when we got balloons and put our name and school on them and then let them go and waited to see where they went? My kids have been dying to do this, so we got some heavy duty balloons, put our email address on them and then let them fly. Noah thinks that his is going to Mexico. Its will be fun to see if anyone responds.
Somebody didnt want to let his go.
(If you look real close, you can see the other balloons in the sky.)


Codie said...

It is good to hear from you. I had a balloon land in Kearny, AZ in 4th grade. Don't ask me where that is.

Brooke said...

I always loved doing that each year, but I never got mine back.

Rachel Cunningham said...

What a cute idea! I hope they get a response...that would be so fun.

Missy said...

Good ole Keller memories! Hey Shelly, you forgot about the "rope" thing we used to do when the cars would try to go by, and us when we thought we were olympic rollerskaters. Total dorks...but good times. I don't think our kids would ever find a cooler neighborhood than we had growing up!

Nancy said...

You are such a fun mom. I love that idea of letting the balloon go. I remember doing that and never getting mine back. I sure hope you guys here from someone.

The Dunford Family said...

I remember doing that and I've always wanted to do it again! You're such a good mom, Shelly!

Kylie said...

What a fun idea!

Chris and Anney Malone said...

One year my card cam back from Heber Az, I will never forget that. I saw your Mom today and she said your moving to Park City, how nice- but said for us to not see you at our lunches.

Simone Endres said...

Hey Shelley!,
I saw your blog through Nancy's and wanted to write and say hi! It's like I'm finding all these old friends all of a sudden!
So, sorry writing this email-sort-of comment, but your kids look so cute!
And I hope your move to Park City goes well. I know what it feels like to do a major move like that. People ask my husband and I if we're in the military after we tell them our moving stories!
Hope to hear from you!

Rose said...

You write very well.