Homework Blues
Sophie Moody
I attempted a photo shoot with Caleb and Tyson. I was trying some new things out with my camera with different lighting and settings. This one of Caleb is my favorite. These two were wrestling and I snapped this one. So cute.
Now, this kid I could take pictures of all day. He is the most photogenic kid I have ever seen. Those big eyes and huge dimples are too hard to resist. I think I took about 50 pictures of him. This one is my all time favorite.
Drew Taylor
On Sunday, 8:00 church and loungin the rest of the day. I actually cooked dinner and made cinnamon rolls for the whole family. Im not much of a cook, but it turned out pretty good. I used my sister-in-laws homemade lasagna recipie-so good!!! In our house, Sunday = PJ's. After church the kids race to get into their jammies-its the best.
Lani and Mady.
Monday night we went to Bills counsin, Tusi's, daughters 1st birthday party. In the Tongan culture, the 1st birthday is a HUGE event. Tusi had Moki's cater the party. This is one of my favorite places EVER to eat. If you have never been there-you MUST go. Its on the corner of Val Vista and Southern-in the Safeway shopping center. We couldnt stop eating, it was so good.
Bills cousins wife, Crystal is a chef at the Ritz Carlton. You know there will always be good food when Crystal is involved. Her and her sister made this amazing cake. I just had to take a picture of it.
The customary pig. Yuck. This is one custom I will never get used to (or eat)
Bills cousin Tusi. This guy is HUGE and Avery wasnt quite sure what to think of him. It was such a fun night. We always have a good time with this side of the family. Thanks Tusi and Pua!!
On Tuesday night, My parents took us all to Chuck E Cheese. Places like this are the best. You give you kids some tokens and you dont see them the rest of the night. This place was particularly nice because they stamp your hand and your kids cant get out unless they are with the stamped parent. Its nice knowing that if I lose track of one of my kids they arent going to be kidnapped or lost of anything. We also ran into some fellow bloggers. That was a nice surprise.
Tom and my Dad got in some Bball
On Wed. night be went bowling with Bills family. I havent been bowling in years. It was so fun and the kids had a blast. I only have pictures of our kids because Bills family are all camera phobes. I tried, but once the camera went up, they all scatter. They told me if I put any pictures of them on my blog they would kill me.
This was Ana;s first time bowling. She did pretty good and had really good form.
Thanksgiving day was full of food, family, and at my house, white trash video games. I have never even heard of this Guitar Hero game before, but apparantly its huge. After about 1 song I wanted to jump through the window. I like all types of music, but the 80's hard rock does not fall in that category.
Curtis thought he was pretty good.
My mom watched Finn while Trent and Jackie went to the ASU game. He couldnt stand the music either.
My parents surprised the kids with a bounce house and some new bikes and scooters. They didnt leave the outside the entire day and night. This is all the kids minus the 2 babys and Madison who wasnt there that night.
On Friday,I am usually up at 4 ready to battle it out for whatever great deal comes my way, but this year I was really dissapointed at the sales. Not too interesting. SO, I slept in until 7 and went with my sister, Stacy to a couple places. There were no crowds at all-I was surprised.
The kids played and played and crashed so early, which was a good thing because my parents bought the Wii for Christmas and broke it out early for the adults to play. That game system is seriously the coolest thing. I played ping pong with Stacy and I was totally sore the next morning. This might be on my christmas list!!! ha ha
All the grandkids. It was pure craziness trying to take a decent picture. I guess I shouldnt have waited until the end of the night when they were all dirty and hair a mess.
Sadly on Saturday it was time for the long journey home.
A sick baby who wont smile or look at the camera. I seriously only got 2 pictures of her looking at the camera and one of her smiling.
We had to bribe the kids to smile and be good for the camera. The thing was, we only had one sucker and it caused a lot of fights.
The kids were kinda all in their own worlds most the time. (except Lani who was posing it up for the camera the whole time)
Lani loves animals more than anything. She found this cat wandering the Temple grounds and picked it right up. Sorry Lani, but sadly we will NEVER have a cat.
This was the ONLY picture of Avery smiling and it happend to be in a picture that no one else was looking at the camera. I just thought this was the cutest picture of her and I had to blow it up.
Too Good to be True...
A Day in the Life of a 9 Month Old
She has learned to throw quite the fit. She is so bi-polar. One minute she will be screaming and the next second, she is smiling. All you have to do is pay attention to her and she is all yours. You walk away and she lets you know play time is not over.
We love her big, bright eyes.
She is the most playful baby I have ever had. She loves to play pat-a-cake and eensie-weensie spider. Just today she learned to do pat-a-cake herself. She has learned to wave hi, bye and night night, and does it all the time. She loves to stand, her favorite is to stand looking out the window. She loves her brothers and her sister and loves to watch their every move. She loves to snuggle and suck her thumb. She loves real food and wants nothing to do with baby food anymore. She does not like to be left with someone that is not her mom or dad. She loves me the most (this wont last long so im eating up the attention) She is my smallest baby by far-only 18 pounds. She makes the perfect last addition to this family. We love you Aves.
Photo opp..
Dr. Visit
On a completly seperate note, I have decided not to go private. I have thought a lot about this and have gone back and forth, but I think I will stay public. One of the things that I love most about this blog is that I can write down my feelings and my experiences and all the crazy things that we go through so that we can remember them. I love that everybody does that too. I love being able to see what my friends are up to and how their familys are growing and what things they are experiencing. I am also an admitted blog stalker. I love jumping from blog to blog checking out how different and similar other peoples lives are. I can honestly say that from doing this, I have learned a lot. I have found links to some really useful websits. If these were private, I would not have been able to do that. Im not saying that my blog is full of wisdom and useful information, but I would feel like a hypocrite if i blocked mine while looking at everyone else's. I know that scary things can happen, but as long as im careful about the info I put on here, then I think it will be OK. So on that note, I want to share some cool websites that I have found. I hope that these people dont mind me spreading the word, but they are too good not to share. My fav. cooking websites are: ourcookingsite.blogspot.com, pickypalate.blogspot.com, and pimpmydinner.blogspot.com. These have some really useful recipies and some supper yummy ones. I have already tried a bunch out and they rock. So, check them out. I also encourage everyone to do the same thing-share the cool things you find or learn from these blogs. This is really such a cool concept and if we use it for good, then it can only get better.