So many photo opps. By the end of the night, the kids were begging me to stop.
I just couldnt resist snapping a shot of these 2 cuties.
Maile and Drew Taylor
Noah thought he was so funny with all these pumpkins and he just kept begging me to take a picture. Such a nerd, but so handsome!!
We watched a pig racing show, and the kids had a front row seat for all the crazy action that is pig racing.
Lani even got chosen to be a helper. Her pig didnt win, darnit, but she got a nice souviner.
Our next stop was the petting zoo. Sooo fun. Nothing like petting nasty, smelly animals.
But...the kids love it, so whatever.
And whats a carnival without a ride or two. I got suckered into going on the busy bees with Avery. Nice hair, or lack of it.
And this roller coaster kept the kids busy for quite a while. Dont you love how dirty the air is.
And this roller coaster kept the kids busy for quite a while. Dont you love how dirty the air is.
Thanks to Avery's awesome aunts, she got to take a ride on the pony. It was definatly the highlight of her night.
Drew got to ride too. This boy is a cowboy, just like his daddy. As he was going around he kept shooting his pretend gun. So cute.
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