
First day of school!!

Ahh, a new school year. I love when school time comes around. Usually by this time, we are all looking for a change.

Tyson is in 1st grade...
Such a handsome little dude. Tyson is my clothes obsessed one. He had his outfit picked for weeks. It wasnt my first choice, but he loved how he looked and thats all that matters on the first day, right? Tyson loves school and he likes his teacher and he has made so many friends. Its crazy that he is now a reader!!

Noah is in 5th grade this year. All sorts of new things for him this year. The cello and ALP are a couple of them. He is my brainiac and I love to watch him learn more each year.

Noah could care less about what he wears. I try to get him to take an interest, but it seriously is the last thing on his mind.

Lani is in 3rd grade this year. She got a great teacher and she has been wonderful with Lani and the issues that she has to deal with.

Lani is my social bug. She makes friends so easy and everybody likes her. She is so sweet and eager to learn and be liked. This was the first year that Lani went shopping with me for school clothes. This was her absolute favorite outfit and she couldnt wait to wear it. She picked it out and put it together all by herself. She is starting to have an opinion on that stuff and im not quite sure I like it =)

And off to school they go!!!
(I cant believe next year it will be 4 going off to school)

Caleb is in preschool. This is his first full year of school. Before last year, I never imagined Caleb would look foward to school, but he couldnt wait!

I think we were outside a full 30 minutes before the bus was supposed to come. I think Avery thought she was going too.

Caleb is my sweet, shy, sensitive one. He is the only kid (besides Avery) that will still cuddle with me. I know it wont last too much longer, so I am going to eat up every second until he stops.

The bus is here!!! Finally!!

Here I go...

Caleb was easily the tallest in his class. He looked more like the first graders =)

He ran straight in and made himself at home.
No looking back now!!

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