

Another Christmas come and gone, way too fast for me. I feel like I didnt really get to enjoy all there is to do during Christmas time. It was hurried, it was cold and the next thing I knew, we were on our way to AZ. It was fun because my sister was also in town and we both stayed at my parents house. So we all got to be together on Christmas morning. That was fun!!
The kids so patiently waiting-playing with their stockings.
Avery opened the first gift since she was the youngest, and she got her baby. That was all she needed!!

Ty got a guitar and hasnt put it down since!!

Noah really didnt want much this year except some night vision goggles. Those things are pretty rad.

Caleb and guns just go together. (fake ones of course)

Tyson got a guitar lesson from Grandad and is now a pro. Everyone gathered to hear it

I thought this was so funny-all the girls got DS's and apparantly you can instant message on them-so that is what they did all morning-even though they were this close to each other.

And wouldnt you know it, my battery to my camera died and right before they started opening presents, my video camera said "out of tape." Yes, my stoneage camera still takes tapes and no one had one to spare. So this Christmas will have to be one of memory. Good memorys that is!!

After we opened presents, we ate breakfast and headed over to the Lomus. We lounged, ate some more and even broke out the guitar hero-so fun. After that, we headed back to my parents house for naps and more eating and we played games. Christmas night was pretty low key, we just relaxed and vegged. Perfect ending!!

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