Nothing to interseting has gone on this week so I thought I would post this fun quiz that ive seen on a bunch of different blogs-so here it is...
My Man:
1. Who is your man? BL
2. How long have you been together? 12 years
3. Dating/Engaged/Married? 1year and 8months/5 weeks/almost 10 years
4. How old is your man? 32
5. Who eats more? I hope its him-although im all about dessert.
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did
7. Who weighs more? He does.
8. Who sings better? We couldnt carry a tune if our lives depended on it.
9. Who's Older? He is
10. Who's smarter? He is by far.
11. Who's temper is worse? Thats debatable
12. Who does the laundry? Me.Me Me
13. Who does the dishes? He is pretty good about doing them, but mostly me.
14. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
15. Who's feet are bigger? His...size 13, but not by much. (how sad)
16. Who's hair is longer? Mine, but he secretly wants a mullet
17. Who's better with the computer? I think I beat him out on this one
18. Who mows the lawn? He does and he is allergic to grass.
19. Who pays the bills? I do or we would be broke.
20. Who cooks dinner? Mostly Wendys or Arbys or Taco Bell or Mcdonalds...need I go on.
21. Who drives when you are together? It depends if he has his glasses or not.
22. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Dine and dash j/k
23. Who's the most stubborn? I would say him, he would say me, but probably me.
24. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? He totally is but im never wrong so its never been an issue
25. Who's parents do you see more? Now that we moved, we see none. Boo hoo
26. Who named your dog? I did
27. Who kissed who first? He kissed me
28. Who asked who out? He asked me
29. What did you do? We went to the desert in my friend Amys Jeep and then later that night we went to the works. (i cant believe I admited that, but in my defense, that was my first and last time at any club, but the best people watching place EVER. Im so not a dancer)
30. Who's more sensitive? Me
31. Who's taller? He's about 5 inches taller
32. Who has more friends? Im pretty sure its Bill, im kind of a loser.
33. Who has more siblings?He does...he has 8
34. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Not even close. ME
4 comments: case you're forgetting....I not only was born before you , but I was married before you too. It's only been 11 years!!!! I was pregnant with Briggs when I went to your reception! You both sound so great together!
oh....yeah.....duh! older doesn't necessarily mean wiser!!!
OK, maybe I'm just in a weird mood tonight but I have a major case of the giggles now (that sounds gay) after reading these. I love the "dine and dash" comment and the "secretly wants a mullet" comment. Blake secretly wants a skullet but don't tell anyone.
haha I love the dine and dash comment.
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