
Spring Football

Tyson is our super sports obsessed boy. He loves all things sports and he seriously lives and breathes sports.
We decided to try out some flag football this year and it went pretty good.

I was only able to go to 2 games the entire season because of the chemo and how sick I was, but Bill went and took some pictures for me (although right after this game he came home with my camera...broken) The first few games were still pretty cold and it actually rained on them a few times.

Unfortunatly, sweet boy pulled a muscle or something-we still arent sure what it was because the Dr's didnt know. Apparantly, its pretty hard to pull muscles in kids his age, but nontheless, it sidelined him for about 3 games. Poor guy was super bummed

But after a few weeks of rest he was ready to head back out on the field. He grabbed a few flags and ran as hard as he could, but mostly he just chased the kid with the ball.

This age is so funny because they still dont know what they are doing and they just follow the ball. Pure entertainment

He felt like he was pretty tough stuff when he played-that was only like 3 minutes out of the whole game.

He has only played one other sport in his life but he was only 4 and he wasnt into it at all. At this stage all he really wanted was the trophy...

...And he finally got one!
Did I mention that his team didnt win a single game? Oh well, its all for experience and he got plenty of it. He loved it and I think it will be something he sticks with for years to come!!

Such a handsome little dude!

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