
Last time I checked....

This is what we woke up to 2 days in a row. Bill refuses to shovel the driveway because it is April and this should not be happening.
This picture is of Bill sliding all the way down the driveway and across the street. What happened to flowers and grass and nice weather? We still have mountains of snow. I guess someone forgot to tell Park City that its SPRING!!!


The Malone's said...

Dang and we've had to turn on the A/C here. I have to say though, isn't nice not to have to worry about doing yard work? Wish you were here with us!

Lomu's said...

Hey, look on the bright side-when all of those Arizonians are sweating to death, we will be in paradise!:) You guys would move here during the worst winter in Utah history! It gets better...maybe. Who chooses to live in this state anyway?

Mary Taylor said...

Oh my gosh!! Give us some of that cold weather because it's already getter hotter than you know where in AZ! I can see how it would be so depressing because we are so not used to that. Anyway, about the bow, I use Karo syrup - just a dab and it stays really well. Avery looks so big walking! I can't wait to see you guys at the cabin - only 3 more months to go! Love ya!

Nancy said...

So sorry Shelly. It looks like fun and yet at the same time it looks like more work. I am not a snow person.

Shauna said...

Holy cow!!! It looks beautiful, but I'm sure you're sick of seeing it. Not too much longer...hopefully.