

Wait a sec... What is this??

This is awesome!

This is the greatest thing I have ever seen!!

Guess who has been bitten by the "Yo crappa crappa" bug?

How did this happen? I went upstairs to throw in a load of laundry while Avery was eating breakfast and when I came down, yo gabba gabba was on. The first few seconds were enough to reel her in. Avery is not a tv watcher, but she sure loved this.



Matt Flake said...

Watch for Lily. She is on the episode with Jack Black.

Mary Taylor said...

Oh my gosh..SO IS DREW!! I HATE that show and he LOVES it!! I'm dying laughing that you feel the same way! Glad I'm not the only one who's forced to watch that crappy show! Sorry anyway ;)

Full House said...

I have no idea what the crap that show is. Well anyway would love to catch up sometime now that you are 31.