I sure hope that im not the only one who one day takes a look at her kids and says "What am I doing wrong? Where did I go wrong?"
During our little vacation, I kept telling the kids how good they were being and how respectful and well behaved they were. I really was so happy with them. Im sure a lot of it had to do with the fact they could play outside all day. My kids are such outdoor kids. They were even good in the car on the way home. (we left at 8am and got home at 11pm). When we got home, all that changed in an instant. I thought I would give Bill some last minute quiet time before his big test today, so I took all the kids to Costco. They were good at first, but after a while it was like the monkeys were loose in the zoo. Holy cow. I have never been so embarressed in all my life. I seriously wanted to duck under the table and hide. You know how you go somewhere and you see some kids totally out of control and you wonder where are the parents? Yea, those were mine. Without going into tons of detail, just imagine pure chaos and thats how it was. When we were finally in the car, I told them how dissapointed I was in their behavior and a lot more parent talk, and what do I hear in the back, LAUGHING. Are you kidding me????? I just had to remind myself of when I was younger and I had the giggles and I couldnt stop laughing no matter how much trouble I was in-it was either that or drop them off at the nearest exit. After the whole im so dissapointed speech, they still were laughing. I knew right then and there that I had lost all control. I seriously wanted to cry, but I knew if I did I would be admitting defeat-that and I would probably have crashed because it was foggy and snowing. I know with Bill studying these past few months has been hard on all of us. The kids really miss their dad. Thats what im guessing anyway-or cabin fever or winter crazies. Im hoping its one of the above and not because I really have lost all control. Anyway, they all went straight to bed. About 10 minutes later, Lani comes downstairs crying. In between sobs, she tells me how sorry she was for acting that way and that she wont do it ever again. She then says that she said a prayer and sang a song to help her be better. I asked her what song she sang and she said it was called "its ok to be punished when you do something wrong." I almost died right there. I had to hold it all in to not laugh. As hard as I try to teach them right from wrong and especially how to act in public, its moments like that that make all the failures worth it. I love that she went to Heavenly Father for help. It shows me that she wants to do whats right. Thats what matters to me. She is still grounded, but at least she is learning. Now if we could just pass this on to her brothers!!!
Anyone else excited for American Idol tonight???
Ok, that is cute. Sometimes I think our kids teach us more than we teach them, especially in moments like that. But, it shows you have given her a great foundation, good job! LOL about your Costco Trip and them laughing when disciplining. That's totally my kids. When my 5 were smaller I had them all at Costco, and they managed to tip the cart over! Newborn baby Kara was LUCKILY strapped in her seat properly and connected to the cart, but can I tell you the stares I had...then the kids were all fighting over who's fault it was...I wanted to RUNAWAY and pretend they weren't mine! Then, I got to the check out lane and went to pay and ALL MY CHANGE (lots of coins) from my wallet fell out all over the floor...then they all started fighting over the money...as if I need any more attention drawn to myself! I cried the ENTIRE WAY home...but I SURVIVED! Now I get to go to Costco ALONE! That will be you pretty soon (light at the end of the tunnel!)
WOw you are a brave woman to travel to AZ all by yourself. Sounds like you have been really busy. I'm glad there is some laughter at the end of it all. Take Care
I love your kids they have kindred spirits in my kids. Yes Lindsay is soooooooooooooo excited about american idol. Is that bad?
Hi Shelly! I guess Stephen loves blogging so much that now he has to comment for me!! I love American Idol, we will have to talk soon when I get home about who we like. I'm sorry, but I just laugh when you tell your stories, of course it's because I didn't have to be there at Costco! talk to you soon!
Shelly: I haven't read your blog for a long time and so I decided to see what the Lomu's were up to. Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe your nightmare in the ER. I'm with you -- Why do they call them EMERGENCY ROOMS? I'm glad Noah is okay. Then I read about your trip to AZ. and I was seriously laughing like crazy. Boy, does that bring back memories! You definitely have a talent for writing Shelly. I love reading about all of your "fun family" experiences. You must have great kids that will just go with the flow and wake up anytime during the night. Say Hi to Bill, and I hope the test goes great!!
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